第四轮谈判失败后,铜矿拉斯·班巴斯(Las Bambas)不太可能重新启动吗?

May 26, 2022

ton bag equipment for copper concentratePeru's government has failed in its fourth attempt to negotiate with local communities to allow minmetals' Las Bambas copper mine to reopen, Reuters reported. Las Bambas has been closed for more than a month since April 20, when the local community joined the protest for not complying with its social investment commitments.


Las Bambas is one of the largest copper mines in the world, accounting for approximately 2% of the global copper supply. It is the largest overseas acquisition project in the history of China's metal mining industry. Las Bambas started commercial production on July 1, 2016, and completed the first annual copper production in 2017 of 453,749 tons, accounting for 76% of the total output of minmetals resources (MMG). Helped Minmetals Resources (MMG) become one of the top 10 copper producers in the world.


此后,拉斯班巴斯矿(Las Bambas Mine)恢复了抗议活动,包括闭路在内。这样的长达一个月,甚至更长的连续生产也表明了这件事的严重性。


该事件是由于矿山未能履行其社会投资承诺和拉斯班巴斯(Las Bambas)的扩展而引发的。

当Minmetals购买了Las Bambas时,它是一项12亿美元计划的一部分,其中包括重新安置土著社区。拉斯巴马斯说,它还承认,根据《安置协议》的义务中有20%尚未履行,包括为社区购买新土地。因此,在4月中旬,Fuerabamba社区的100多名成员冲进了Las Bambas矿,并在开放坑矿附近建立了帐篷,迫使该矿山关闭。

Meanwhile, on March 24, The Chalcobamba mine at Las Bambas received a development permit from Peru's Ministry of Energy and Mines. It is expected to begin production gradually over the next five months, and will eventually help lift Las Bambas copper concentrate production to about 380,000 to 400,000 tons per year, once again making it into the top 10 copper mines in the world. This is good news for Minmetals, but for the Huancure community, where the Chalcobamba mine is located, it has caused great resentment and protests against the expansion of the mine on their former land.

这两个社区,Fuerabamba Huancure,形式ed an alliance to bargain with the government and the mines. Seriously, under Peruvian civil law, property owners can try to evict intruders by force within the first 15 days of moving in, and if that period has passed, they need to go through a longer legal process. In late April, workers at the Las Bambas mine tried to evict protesters, but that led to massive clashes in which Fuerabamba and Huancuire members destroyed tens of millions of dollars of equipment and injured 27 security personnel. One of the Fuerabamba members lost an eye in the violence. The conflict between the two sides has seriously worsened.

Initially, Fuerabamba community leaders said they were "just calling on Minmetals to live up to their commitments," but since the clashes began, they have said they will continue to fight until Las Bambas closes and leaves for good. "This is war." It shows that there is no room for manoeuvre.

现在,拉斯·班巴斯(Las Bambas)称抗议活动是非法的,并呼吁当局执行法治。拉斯·班巴斯(Las Bambas)拒绝对此事发表评论。就目前而言,这取决于政府进行调解。自从矿山被关闭以来,政府要么什么都不做,要么拖着脚,拉斯·班巴斯(Las Bambas)遇到了偶然的机会。



当Minmetals从Glencore Plc购买了该矿山时,它继承了该矿山的搬迁计划,该计划本应为Fuerabamba社区提供现金和解,平均每个家庭500,000美元,这是一个巨额资金,在一个法律年度最低工资为3,300美元的国家中。同时,作为搬迁协议的一部分,拉斯·班巴斯(Las Bambas)为每个家庭提供了公司的工作,以维持矿山的生命。当地的健康和教育水平也有了显着改善,尤其是在幼儿中。

Interviews with local communities by Reuters did not satisfy them. Residents cite simple problems, such as the new brick houses -- with electricity and indoor piped heating -- that do not withstand the chill of chilly Andean nights as their former adobe homes did. Residents also complain that rural communities must now pay for basic necessities such as water, food and fuel that they could previously collect from the land. Many of them no longer grow crops or raise livestock because the alternative plots offered by Las Bambas are too far away.

And according to Reuters, three residents told The news agency: 'Some community members have already spent their settlement money, and now everything is gone. We have nothing.'





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