Jul 16, 2022
PAM Mineral (NICL) is bullish on higher sales in 2022. The nickel miner has set a target for nickel sand sales of 1.5 million tonnes in 2022, up from 1.3 million tonnes in 2021.
According to the plan, the 1.5 million tons of sales target, 900,000 tons of high grade nickel content 1.5% -- 1.75% and 600,000 tons of low grade nickel content 1.5%.
PAM Mineral, meanwhile, has applied for an increase in its production quota of 300,000 tonnes.
Rodney, operations Manager, PAM Mineral. "The request [for higher quotas] has been approved," Roni Permadi Kusumah said.
Initially PAM Mineral plans to produce 1.77 million tonnes of nickel ore sand. It is planned that 570,000 mt will be produced by PAM Mineral and the remaining 1.2 mt will be produced by Indrabakti Mustika (IBM).
An increase of 300,000 tonnes brings PAM Mineral's total production quota to approximately 2.07 million tonnes and the company is confident of achieving 90 per cent of its existing production quota.
PAM矿物stratocaster电吉他egy in place to achieve performance targets, one of which is to reduce production levels on several STA MHR in order to minimise downgrades and lost time.
Other PAM Mineral strategies are the stockpiling of Exportable Final Ore to maintain nickel sand moisture and the implementation of batu gajah barrier pavement at the port to protect against constant wear and tear. By stockpiling nickel ore sand, PAM Mineral hopes to be able to sell it during the rainy season.
PAM Mineral Management did not elaborate on PAM Mineral's revenue and net profit forecasts for 2022. To be clear, PAM Mineral is optimistic that a good production performance will yield profitability. "In terms of maintaining profitability, of course the main key is smooth production." Based on the company's internal financial report, PAM Mineral recorded sales of 222.2 billion rupiah between January and March 2022, up 126.31 percent from 98.18 billion rupiah in the same period in 2021.
From these sales, PAM Mineral earned a net profit of 24.66 billion rupiah, up 209.30% from the actual net profit of 7.97 billion rupiah in the same period of 2021.
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